College of Law and Politics | Rikkyo University

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College of Law and Politics

The college prepares students to acquire the ability that is needed in today’s world filled with complex systems and organizations and global-scale changes, that is the ability to assess a situation, track the source of a problem and propose solutions, from the perspectives of law and politics.

Department of Law

In addition to acquiring basic legal knowledge, students will learn about the adaptive and developmental areas of law which suit their interests and will develop the ability to identify and solve legal problems and establish effective systems.

Department of International Business Law

After acquiring basic legal knowledge, students will develop the ability to understand the various workings of a globalized corporate society (such as transactions, purchases, employment, patents, taxation, and cartels) and respond to them from the perspective of law.

Department of Politics

Students will broadly examine the political structures of various countries and their historical contexts. By honing their ability to think politically, students will acquire the knowledge and techniques necessary to consider questions such as the eradication of war, and socioeconomic gaps between nations.

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