Jun 07, 2018

Change in Class Times from Academic Year 2019



Rikkyo University has decided to change class times as of April 2019.

We hope that changing class times for a single class from 90 minutes to 100 minutes will enable flexible class delivery and the use of diverse and attractive methods such as active learning and service learning which further heighten student interest and promote autonomous learning. We would also like to use this change as an opportunity for further university-wide improvements to enrich our learning environment and our students’ activities, and to do our best to ensure that students have the opportunity to study abroad, volunteer, and participate in extracurricular activities.

Rikkyo University has been striving in earnest to implement university-wide education reforms in order to further the internationalization of our university, active learning, and an education system based on real-world experiences. We have welcomed many significant turning points in the education reforms in recent years—in 2014, we were selected for the MEXT Top Global University Project, and in 2016 we launched RIKKYO Learning Style, the Integrated Undergraduate Programs. In the midst of this, throughout the university we have been contemplating how best to carry out lessons that deal with global issues and meet societal needs, while enhancing the academic credit system. This led us to the decision of changing class times.

The class schedule will change along with the move to 100-minute classes as outlined below.

Overview of the new class schedule

1. Year of commencement & applicable classes
The new class schedule will come into effect as of courses starting in the spring semester of academic year 2019.
All undergraduate and graduate school classes will be subject to the changes.

2. Changes to class times
1) There will be 14 classes of 100 minutes each in a semester.
2) The new class schedule is outlined in the table below.

Comparison of class schedule before and after the change
  New class schedule (from academic year 2019) Old class schedule (until academic year 2018)
Period 1 08:50~10:30 09:00~10:30
Period 2 10:45~12:25 10:45~12:15
Lunch Break 12:25~13:25 12:15~13:15
Period 3 13:25~15:05 13:15~14:45
Period 4 15:20~17:00 15:00~16:30
Period 5 17:10~18:50 16:40~18:10
Period 6 18:55~20:35 18:20~19:50
Period 7 N/A 20:00~21:30
The class schedule for classes that had been held after Period 6 in the Graduate School of Economics, Graduate School of Business Administration, and Graduate School of Social Design Studies is outlined below. G5 and G6 will be set on class days other than Saturdays. 

New class schedule (from academic year 2019) Old class schedule (until academic year 2018)
Period G5 18:30~20:10 Period 6 18:30~20:00
Period G6 20:15~21:55 Period 7 20:10~21:40
3. Other
We are considering changing the opening times of various counters, buildings, etc. in line with these changes in class schedule, in order to ensure convenience and a suitable learning environment for students. We will notify you via the university website and other media in due course.

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