May 27, 2024

Job Announcement for Professor or Associate Professor (English Language Education) at Center for Foreign Language Education and Research - Application Deadline: 2024.7.31



The Center for Foreign Language Education and Research (FLER) is organized by a group of practitioner-researchers conducting cutting-edge research and having extensive experience of teaching, curriculum development, and program management. We are inviting a new member with significant research achievements and broad teaching experience to join our team and work together to advance our English language program.

1. Number of positions
2 Professors or Associate Professors (tenured position)

2. Starting date
April 1, 2025

3. Research field
Applied Linguistics, or English Language Teaching (in particular, those who specialize in CLIL, curriculum development, materials development, or language testing and assessment)

4. Duties
1) Teaching university-wide English language courses (in principle, 8 classes per year)
2) Development of the university-wide English language curriculum, material development
3) Management of the English Language Program, Center for the University-wide Curriculum
4) Responsible for duties related to the university’s entrance exam
5) Responsible for duties determined in FLER Faculty Meetings

5. Qualifications
1) PhD in the field of Applied Linguistics/English Language Teaching, or those who have equivalent teaching and research in the relevant area;
2) Extensive knowledge of recent language teaching theories and approaches, such as CLIL and CEFR;
3) Expertize in English language curriculum development;
4) Extensive experience and high management skills applicable to administering the English language program;
5) Able to teach various types of courses through English and have sufficiently high Japanese language proficiency to perform a variety of administrative work; and
6) Teaching and administrative experience as a full-time academic lecturer at the university level.

6. Location
Office: Center for Foreign Language Education and Research, Ikebukuro Campus
Teaching: Ikebukuro Campus and Niiza Campus

7. Remuneration and benefits
Based on the rules of Rikkyo University.

8. Application documents
1) Rikkyo CV (Word format)
  • Use the Rikkyo CV (no other formats will be accepted).
  • Must include contact information (including telephone number and email address).
  • Download the Rikkyo CV, Sample - Rikkyo CV and follow the instructions carefully to complete the CV.
  • Complete it either in Japanese or English.
2) ID photo (either JPEG, PNG, GIF format)
3) 3 major research publications related to Applied Linguistics and/or English Language Education (PDF format)
  • Preferably include a research paper published on or after January 1, 2019.
  • At least one must be written in English.
  • In case of no abstract, an abstract in English should be attached to the published articles/items (free format, approximately 300 words).
4) A syllabus for a one-semester CLIL course satisfying the following conditions (PDF format):
  • Target students: Those whose level is CEFR B1
  • Course contents: Download the Global Studies Course List and select one CLIL course from the list
  • Class size: approximately 20 students
  • Lesson time & number of lessons: Rikkyo University lessons are 100 minutes, and meet once a week for 14 weeks per semester
  • A4 size, 1 page, written in English
5) Teaching plan of the course based on the 4) syllabus (PDF format)
  • Select a lesson from other than the first or the last
  • A4 size, up to 3 pages, written in English
6) Essay in the following questions (PDF format)
  • “How should the university's English education in the future be?” and “How can I contribute to its realization?”
  • The essay should reflect your research and teaching experience.
  • Write either in English (approx. 800 words) or in Japanese (approx. 1500 characters).
7) Names and contact information of 2 referees
  • Provide the names and contact information of two referees who can assess the candidate's educational experience and research accomplishments.
*Letters of recommendation will be requested after passing the document screening.
8) Certificate of your highest degree (PDF format)

9. Application process
Fill in the required information in the Google form below and submit the application documents 1) to 8). A Google account is required for submission, so those who do not have it should obtain one.
  • Those selected in the first screening will be contacted via email by Monday, September 2.
  • The interview is scheduled to take place either on Wednesday, September 11 or on Friday, September 13, 2024 at the Ikebukuro Campus. In addition, applicants will be asked to give a 20-minute model lesson in English based on the submitted syllabus and teaching plan.

10. Submission deadline
All documents must arrive no later than Wednesday, July 31, 2024.

11. Contact information
Center for Foreign Language Education and Research, Rikkyo University

Download the documents from below:
*We cannot answer any questions regarding the selection process and the reasons for acceptance or rejection.
*During the screening process, we may ask for additional documents.
*Personal information in the application documents will be used only for selection purposes and not any other purposes.
*Travel expenses for interviews will not be reimbursed.

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