Student Counseling Center
Other Supports

An intaker and an administrator are available at the Student Counseling Centers on weekdays between 9am and 5pm. Our services are listed below. Any Rikkyo students are welcome. Please feel free to drop by.
Counseling services
We offer counseling services on both Ikebukuro and Niiza campuses. In Ikebukuro, a Japanese licensed clinical psychologist provides services in Japanese and English every weekday. For counseling in Japanese, you can just walk in, but it is better to make an appointment to secure enough time. If you wish to have a counseling session in English, please first contact the International Office that helps you make an appointment with us. Sessions in both languages are free of charge.
You can seek counseling for whatever issues you have. For example:
- Not being able to adjust to Japanese culture,
- Feeling homesick,
- Interpersonal problems related to teachers and other students,
- Communication difficulties with your teachers and lab members, and
- Stress related issues leading to physical illness (including inability to sleep, loss of appetite, etc.);
Lounges (Ikebukuro/Niiza)
We have lounges that any student is free to use. We have books and DVDs’ (in Japanese only) that may help you. You can read them in our lounges or borrow them.
Psychoeducational workshops
We offer a variety of psychoeducational workshops (in Japanese only) in order to promote self-understanding and improve relationships with others. Please find the details of the workshops on our homepage or the bulletin boards (in Japanese only). Examples of workshops include assertion training, body work, finding a personal color, exhibition of how to live by yourself, and stress management.