Support for Students with Disabilities
Other Supports

In order to reduce difficulties for students, faculty and staff with disabilities in their campus life, in their work, or in any other way on campus, the Rikkyo University Support Network for People with Disabilities (Students/Faculty/Staff) performs liaison and adjustment to provide support. The Students with Disabilities Support Office serves as the general reception for the network.
The Support Office provides a variety of different forms of support, such as support in classes or providing information about campus life.
Support Staff for Students with Disabilities

The students who provide support play a major role in our class support offerings for students with disabilities. We are currently looking for students who can take written or computer-based notes to convey the contents of lectures to students with hearing disabilities in writing during classes, and who can support the students with visual or orthopedic impairments to travel across campus.
Support Network for People with Disabilities

The Rikkyo University Support Network for People with Disabilities (Students/Faculty/Staff) has one member of faculty responsible for supporting students with disabilities per college and graduate school, etc., and one person responsible for each related office, such as the student support desk. We have a system in place where these responsible people will provide support in the form of collaboration and cooperation when required by students while learning or in other facets of campus life.
Students with Disabilities Support Office
There are specialist coordinators stationed at the Ikebukuro and Niiza Campuses who work with faculty, staff and support staff to provide the support in study and campus life needed by each and every student with disabilities.