Rikkyo Vision:
Principles for the Future of Rikkyo University

The Rt Revd. Prof. Dr. Renta NISHIHARA, President of Rikkyo University
What was it crystallized as the mission of Channing Moore Williams, an American Episcopalian missionary? Upon Bishop Williams’s arrival in Nagasaki, Japan, in 1859, the thoroughfares were lined with decrees of the “Christian Ban Order.” It was not until 1873, a year preceding the foundation of Rikkyo, that this restrictive edict was barely eased. When Bishop Williams embarked on his mission in Japan, the fundamental demand for his envisioned education was yet to permeate Japanese society.
In contemporary times, most individuals engaged in education, with no hesitation, would methodically commence their ventures by scrutinizing market demand and aligning resources. Conversely, history underscores the steadfast dedication to a mission—namely, imparting knowledge deemed crucial to the younger generation—which has been the guiding force behind educational pursuits. Indeed, Rikkyo University stands today as a testament to Bishop Williams’ dedication shaped through seven tumultuous years in Nagasaki, fraught with uncertainty and subsequent trials. In 1874, one hundred and fifty years ago, Williams inaugurated St. Paul’s School in the foreign settlement of Tsukiji, Tokyo, under the auspices of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America. The school offered instruction in Bible studies and English (Eigaku), albeit with a modest number of students.
In an era dominated by market forces that extend their influence even into realms of education, there are perhaps few who can truly grasp the solitude and passion of Bishop Williams. We find ourselves amidst an epoch where the actual goals of educators often languish in obscurity, eclipsed by market principles. In retrospect, adherence to market doctrines would have thwarted the audacious endeavor of establishing a Christian school in a state where Christianity faced rigid prohibition. Had Bishop Williams succumbed to contemporary market paradigms, Rikkyo University would never have come into existence.
Education is never a mere instrument for the state, and schools are not factories efficiently churning out uniform human resources that states can conveniently take advantage of. Education, instead, embodies a noble pursuit, one that nurtures individual human beings and cultivates their character, thereby fostering societal and global well-being. With such conviction, we perpetually acknowledge that Channing Moore Williams birthed Rikkyo School with such aspirations and conceptions.
Traditionally, the Anglican Church has acknowledged education not solely as an instrument for religious outreach and evangelism but as a vital component of societal mission. This principle reflects the divine calling to engage in the work of mission. In response to the calling, individuals are encouraged to establish educational institutions and undertake the indispensable teaching responsibility. Our shared mission at Rikkyo University is to perpetually answer the divine calling across generations. Our objective is to identify the location where we can most clearly and profoundly discern the resounding vision of our founder, Channing Moore Williams, while ensuring that we minimize distractions and remain focused on our goal. We also commit to continuous effort and devote all our energy to determining how to create a path toward the very place. The pursuit may challenge prevailing beliefs and national institutions, yet it embodies the quintessential mission of Rikkyo University, especially as we celebrate our 150th anniversary or sesquicentennial.
In contemporary times, most individuals engaged in education, with no hesitation, would methodically commence their ventures by scrutinizing market demand and aligning resources. Conversely, history underscores the steadfast dedication to a mission—namely, imparting knowledge deemed crucial to the younger generation—which has been the guiding force behind educational pursuits. Indeed, Rikkyo University stands today as a testament to Bishop Williams’ dedication shaped through seven tumultuous years in Nagasaki, fraught with uncertainty and subsequent trials. In 1874, one hundred and fifty years ago, Williams inaugurated St. Paul’s School in the foreign settlement of Tsukiji, Tokyo, under the auspices of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America. The school offered instruction in Bible studies and English (Eigaku), albeit with a modest number of students.
In an era dominated by market forces that extend their influence even into realms of education, there are perhaps few who can truly grasp the solitude and passion of Bishop Williams. We find ourselves amidst an epoch where the actual goals of educators often languish in obscurity, eclipsed by market principles. In retrospect, adherence to market doctrines would have thwarted the audacious endeavor of establishing a Christian school in a state where Christianity faced rigid prohibition. Had Bishop Williams succumbed to contemporary market paradigms, Rikkyo University would never have come into existence.
Education is never a mere instrument for the state, and schools are not factories efficiently churning out uniform human resources that states can conveniently take advantage of. Education, instead, embodies a noble pursuit, one that nurtures individual human beings and cultivates their character, thereby fostering societal and global well-being. With such conviction, we perpetually acknowledge that Channing Moore Williams birthed Rikkyo School with such aspirations and conceptions.
Traditionally, the Anglican Church has acknowledged education not solely as an instrument for religious outreach and evangelism but as a vital component of societal mission. This principle reflects the divine calling to engage in the work of mission. In response to the calling, individuals are encouraged to establish educational institutions and undertake the indispensable teaching responsibility. Our shared mission at Rikkyo University is to perpetually answer the divine calling across generations. Our objective is to identify the location where we can most clearly and profoundly discern the resounding vision of our founder, Channing Moore Williams, while ensuring that we minimize distractions and remain focused on our goal. We also commit to continuous effort and devote all our energy to determining how to create a path toward the very place. The pursuit may challenge prevailing beliefs and national institutions, yet it embodies the quintessential mission of Rikkyo University, especially as we celebrate our 150th anniversary or sesquicentennial.
Rikkyo University upholds the principle of our undergraduate education as “pursuing universal truths” (PRO DEO) alongside “fostering educated persons with specialized expertise” capable of contributing to “the world, society, and neighbors” (PRO PATRIA). This philosophy draws inspiration from the timeless creed of PRO DEO ET PATRIA.
This educational philosophy is realized only through the collaborative efforts of faculty, students, and staff. In English, we designate each university faculty as a “college.” The term “college” traces its origin to the 12th to 13th century monastery, where faculty and students lived, prayed, and pursued scholarly endeavors together. The model is reminiscent of the traditions found at the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge. While our institution no longer follows a boarding school model, we cherish the commitment to providing our students with an everlasting journey in pursuit of truth, preserving the essence of the college experience.
Rikkyo University serves as a foundation for cultivating individuals who possess a deep understanding of the extensive array of knowledge established by humanity. We empower them to pragmatically apply this wisdom to address the world’s and society’s needs. Our mission is to deeply understand the foundational knowledge that bridges antiquity to modernity and connects the present to the future. We aim to revitalize its relevance through practical life experiences and internalize the lessons learned. In so doing, we can develop a pertinent perspective on the world, humanity, and values. Rikkyo University vindicates the intellectual process as our responsibility.
We here reaffirm our founding spirit, which we have faithfully embraced for 150 years, and declare that Rikkyo University is an institution devoted to connecting individuals and linking itself to the world across time and space.
This educational philosophy is realized only through the collaborative efforts of faculty, students, and staff. In English, we designate each university faculty as a “college.” The term “college” traces its origin to the 12th to 13th century monastery, where faculty and students lived, prayed, and pursued scholarly endeavors together. The model is reminiscent of the traditions found at the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge. While our institution no longer follows a boarding school model, we cherish the commitment to providing our students with an everlasting journey in pursuit of truth, preserving the essence of the college experience.
Rikkyo University serves as a foundation for cultivating individuals who possess a deep understanding of the extensive array of knowledge established by humanity. We empower them to pragmatically apply this wisdom to address the world’s and society’s needs. Our mission is to deeply understand the foundational knowledge that bridges antiquity to modernity and connects the present to the future. We aim to revitalize its relevance through practical life experiences and internalize the lessons learned. In so doing, we can develop a pertinent perspective on the world, humanity, and values. Rikkyo University vindicates the intellectual process as our responsibility.
We here reaffirm our founding spirit, which we have faithfully embraced for 150 years, and declare that Rikkyo University is an institution devoted to connecting individuals and linking itself to the world across time and space.
Bishop Williams was an alumnus of the College of William and Mary, the second oldest American higher educational institute after Harvard. It rigorously followed a teaching model based on that of Oxford and Cambridge. Our university, established by Bishop Williams, has thus become an institution that emulates a traditional liberal arts scheme transferred from Britain. During the transitional years of relocation from Tsukiji to Ikebukuro, British-style liberal arts education remained the cornerstone of our educational principles, as evidenced by our iconic red-brick buildings extending from the main gate to adorn our campus.
The essential purpose of education based on liberal arts lies in its mission to equip students with the ability to “decipher the world” and the agency to “transform the world.” Liberal arts education does not mean mere introductory coursework isolated from specialized fields of study. Rikkyo defines liberal arts education as a platform for students to articulate their dreams and manifest their visions. It encapsulates humanity’s enduring quest for ideals yet to be fully realized, urging us to pursue these values steadfastly. This educational paradigm thrives on a continuous commitment to these ideals and principles. We are dedicated to refining our unique interpretation of “liberal arts education,” an integral aspect of Rikkyo’s mission, and pioneering higher education in Japan.
The essential purpose of education based on liberal arts lies in its mission to equip students with the ability to “decipher the world” and the agency to “transform the world.” Liberal arts education does not mean mere introductory coursework isolated from specialized fields of study. Rikkyo defines liberal arts education as a platform for students to articulate their dreams and manifest their visions. It encapsulates humanity’s enduring quest for ideals yet to be fully realized, urging us to pursue these values steadfastly. This educational paradigm thrives on a continuous commitment to these ideals and principles. We are dedicated to refining our unique interpretation of “liberal arts education,” an integral aspect of Rikkyo’s mission, and pioneering higher education in Japan.
When he established Rikkyo University (then Rikkyo School) 150 years ago in Tsukiji, Tokyo, Bishop Williams envisioned it as a “stronghold of true human education based on Christianity,” distinct from the prevailing utilitarianism and related attitudes characteristic of the era. Since its establishment, Rikkyo University has consistently endorsed the intrinsic dignity of every individual, placing this principle at the core of our founding ethos.
In April 2021, Rikkyo University introduced the “Rikkyo University Declaration of Human Dignity” and reaffirmed its role as a guiding principle for all members of our community: students, faculty, and staff alike. The term “dignity,” derived from the Latin word dignitas, etymologically signifies the “intrinsic value of all beings.” The belief in the inviolable value of every living being is a fundamental tenet of Christianity, one that our university has normalized since its inception.
The following is the full text of the declaration:
Rikkyo University pledges to maintain the “Rikkyo University Declaration of Human Dignity” as the fundamental principle across all aspects of our activities, including regular education, extracurricular education, research, and social outreaches.
In April 2021, Rikkyo University introduced the “Rikkyo University Declaration of Human Dignity” and reaffirmed its role as a guiding principle for all members of our community: students, faculty, and staff alike. The term “dignity,” derived from the Latin word dignitas, etymologically signifies the “intrinsic value of all beings.” The belief in the inviolable value of every living being is a fundamental tenet of Christianity, one that our university has normalized since its inception.
The following is the full text of the declaration:
- 1. Rikkyo University cultivates character based on Christianity and educates students to foster awareness of human dignity. Rikkyo University respects every individual’s character, human rights, and human dignity and aspires to be a place for free learning and education, bringing out each person’s total capability. We pursue regular and extracurricular education that fosters awareness of human rights and a sense of belonging.
- 2. Rikkyo University nurtures people to have the sensibility and intellect to communicate and share their learning and experiences with others. We provide society with citizens with an open intellect that enables them to correctly convey their knowledge and experiences to others rather than keeping such experiences to themselves. We aspire to create a campus where everyone is free to inspire and interact with everyone else, recognizes the existence of other people living under challenging conditions, and coexists with them.
- 3. Rikkyo University takes an unwavering attitude to eliminating and preventing all forms of campus harassment. Campus harassment is behavior that could harm personal dignity and infringe on individuals’ human rights. It also harms the environment that supports education and research in the university. Rikkyo University does not tolerate any such behavior and maintains an environment where it never occurs.
Rikkyo University pledges to maintain the “Rikkyo University Declaration of Human Dignity” as the fundamental principle across all aspects of our activities, including regular education, extracurricular education, research, and social outreaches.
As we celebrate our sesquicentennial and steadfastly move toward bicentennial, Rikkyo University remains resolute in its quest for universal truths and the development of individuals poised to shape the future of our world and society. Guiding by the timeless ethos of our founding spirit and embracing our institutional role as a nexus spanning time and space, bridging individuals together and connecting us to the world, we——those who teach, who learn, and who support——embark on an ongoing journey of self-transformation, striving to build a university of which we can be proud.
We are determined to establish Rikkyo as the singular university renowned in Japan and on the global stage. Building upon the rich legacy of 150 years in liberal arts education, we are committed to advancing toward the pinnacle of “Global Liberal Arts & Sciences.” We will undertake bold reforms to achieve this objective, including the following transformative initiatives.
We are determined to establish Rikkyo as the singular university renowned in Japan and on the global stage. Building upon the rich legacy of 150 years in liberal arts education, we are committed to advancing toward the pinnacle of “Global Liberal Arts & Sciences.” We will undertake bold reforms to achieve this objective, including the following transformative initiatives.
◆Global Liberal Arts and Sciences: Reinforcement of the Global Liberal Arts Program (GLAP) as the Flagship of Our Education and the Establishment of the College of Environmental Studies
In April 2017, Rikkyo University launched the Global Liberal Arts Program (GLAP), a pioneering English track initiative designed to cultivate the next generation of global leaders. This innovative program, built upon our foundation of Christian-based education and liberal arts philosophy, equips students with the critical skills for independent thinking and proactive engagement with the complexities of our world, resulting in remarkable achievements. We are now furthering the program’s success through targeted measures, notably by enhancing our faculty structure. Additionally, we are proud to announce our plans to establish the College of Environmental Studies at our Ikebukuro Campus in April 2026. This new college embodies our commitment to interdisciplinary scholarship, incorporating arts and sciences. The new college is the second school in Rikkyo’s portfolio to specialize in natural sciences. In this latest chapter, Rikkyo University continues to refine our liberal arts education as “Global Liberal Arts & Sciences,” reflecting our dedication to achieving excellence across the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. We aim not only to achieve our mastery within the boundaries of each discipline but also to explore the intersections between them, pursuing universal truths.
With the addition of the College of Environmental Studies, Rikkyo University has expanded to encompass a total of 13 colleges, including GLAP, solidifying our position as a vibrant educational and research community committed to academic excellence and continual growth. In line with the esteemed traditions of the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, our fellow institutions with Anglican roots, we aspire to maintain their distinguished format.
Significantly, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) recognized our plan to establish the College of Environmental Studies and secured substantial funding of approximately 1.04 billion yen. This landmark initiative not only demonstrates our dedication to addressing global environmental challenges but also represents our commitment to environmental stewardship.
With the addition of the College of Environmental Studies, Rikkyo University has expanded to encompass a total of 13 colleges, including GLAP, solidifying our position as a vibrant educational and research community committed to academic excellence and continual growth. In line with the esteemed traditions of the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, our fellow institutions with Anglican roots, we aspire to maintain their distinguished format.
Significantly, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) recognized our plan to establish the College of Environmental Studies and secured substantial funding of approximately 1.04 billion yen. This landmark initiative not only demonstrates our dedication to addressing global environmental challenges but also represents our commitment to environmental stewardship.
◆Development of “RIKKYO Learning Style 2.0”
Rikkyo University designs its commitment to liberal arts education to promote the holistic development of educated individuals with specialized expertise, focusing on advancing their intellect, sensibility, and physical well-being. Rikkyo University steadfastly advances our unique education based on “Global Liberal Arts & Sciences,” empowering learners with the skills to “decipher the world” and “transform the world.” Our contribution to promoting this endeavor is the “RIKKYO Learning Style” (RLS). This pioneering force in Japanese academia, encompassing both regular and extracurricular education, is an innovative undergraduate educational platform launched in 2016. As we approach the eighth year of the RLS, we have accumulated initiatives toward its next phase and prepared for beginning “RIKKYO Learning Style 2.0” (RLS 2.0) in the academic year 2028.
RLS 2.0 will prioritize the following reforms:
Through RLS 2.0, an educational platform circumscribing the entire university, we will provide each student with a more customized and attentive “tailor-made” education.
RLS 2.0 will prioritize the following reforms:
- 1. Cultivating a liberal arts orientation among all students through foundational studies in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences (including data science).
- 2. Optimizing the existing Global Liberal Arts minor and restructuring the allay of enhanced courses.
- 3. Fostering opportunities for the practice of cross-disciplinary knowledge and collaboration.
- 4. Expanding the utilization of online as well as on-demand courses.
- 5. Implementing continuous support for students at the post-primary level.
- 6. Strengthening leadership education tailored under the ethos of Rikkyo University.
- 7. Enriching and fortifying the program of “Rikkyo Service Learning” (RSL).
Through RLS 2.0, an educational platform circumscribing the entire university, we will provide each student with a more customized and attentive “tailor-made” education.
◆Rikkyo University’s Promotion of Globalization Leading Japanese Higher Education
When Bishop Williams founded Rikkyo School 150 years ago, the Bible and English were taught centrally, and classes were implemented basically in English. Hence, globalism has been our fundamental value, and our emphasis on foreign language education has been our tradition since its inauguration.
In 2014, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) selected Rikkyo University for the prestigious “Top Global University Project” (TGU) and awarded it subsidies. Leveraging this national initiative, we have actively pursued globalizing efforts across the university.
With the support of TGU, we have enthusiastically cultivated partnerships with universities worldwide, providing Rikkyo University students with ample opportunities to study abroad. Additionally, we have established a robust system for hosting international students at Rikkyo University, including the provision of dormitories through the “Rikkyo Study Project” (RSP).
Simultaneously, we are committed to enhancing the so-called “PEACE Program,” a recommended admission system for overseas high schools with which we have agreements. To expand the program, which features an English track selection system, we are advancing a plan to increase the number of courses taught in English within the Global Liberal Arts Program (GLAP) and other university-wide curricula. This initiative will provide students with more significant opportunities to study in a foreign language.
Rikkyo University’s dedication to international collaboration extends beyond conventional boundaries. Our initiative in the Asian Consortium for Excellence in Liberal Arts and Interdisciplinary Education (The ACE), a cutting-edge project adopted for the MEXT Inter-University Exchange Project, exemplifies our commitment to fostering cross-cultural dialogue and understanding. We strive to address contemporary challenges facing Asia and the global community by collaborating with prestigious institutions such as Seoul National University, Peking University, and the National University of Singapore.
Additionally, we harness the expansive network of the Anglican Communion, represented by the Colleges and Universities of the Anglican Communion (CUAC), spanning approximately 160 countries worldwide. This network serves as a conduit for reinventing global partnerships and advancing our mission of international cooperation and understanding.
In 2014, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) selected Rikkyo University for the prestigious “Top Global University Project” (TGU) and awarded it subsidies. Leveraging this national initiative, we have actively pursued globalizing efforts across the university.
With the support of TGU, we have enthusiastically cultivated partnerships with universities worldwide, providing Rikkyo University students with ample opportunities to study abroad. Additionally, we have established a robust system for hosting international students at Rikkyo University, including the provision of dormitories through the “Rikkyo Study Project” (RSP).
Simultaneously, we are committed to enhancing the so-called “PEACE Program,” a recommended admission system for overseas high schools with which we have agreements. To expand the program, which features an English track selection system, we are advancing a plan to increase the number of courses taught in English within the Global Liberal Arts Program (GLAP) and other university-wide curricula. This initiative will provide students with more significant opportunities to study in a foreign language.
Rikkyo University’s dedication to international collaboration extends beyond conventional boundaries. Our initiative in the Asian Consortium for Excellence in Liberal Arts and Interdisciplinary Education (The ACE), a cutting-edge project adopted for the MEXT Inter-University Exchange Project, exemplifies our commitment to fostering cross-cultural dialogue and understanding. We strive to address contemporary challenges facing Asia and the global community by collaborating with prestigious institutions such as Seoul National University, Peking University, and the National University of Singapore.
Additionally, we harness the expansive network of the Anglican Communion, represented by the Colleges and Universities of the Anglican Communion (CUAC), spanning approximately 160 countries worldwide. This network serves as a conduit for reinventing global partnerships and advancing our mission of international cooperation and understanding.
◆Advancing Research Capabilities with Leading-Edge Researchers
The faculty cohort of Rikkyo University is, at the same time, a group of top-tier researchers at the forefront of their respective fields. We are committed to further solidifying our position as a prominent research hub in Japan. To achieve this goal, we will actively advance priority area research, secure Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research and large research grants, and support flagship research initiatives and interdisciplinary collaborations across the university. Furthermore, we will create an environment conducive to fostering the innovative research endeavors of individual scholars. Our commitment extends to alleviating the workload of our faculty members, enabling them to focus their energy on teaching and research activities.
◆Further Augmentation of Graduate Education
The fulfillment of graduate education serves as a vital transition for promoting advanced learning, seamlessly building upon undergraduate studies, and nurturing a culture of lifelong education. To invigorate education and research in our graduate schools, we attempt the following initiatives: Introduction of adaptable academic year requirements, offering options for early completion, integrated 5-year programs connecting undergraduate and graduate studies, customized master’s programs catering to working professionals with less than two years of work experience, and a long-term enrollment framework facilitating recurrent education; participation in fellowship programs for doctoral students and implementation of equivalent student support mechanisms; promotion of internal graduate school admissions through comprehensive career guidance for undergraduate students, supplemented by vigorous career education programs for graduate students and strategic publicity campaigns showcasing the appeal of our graduate school to society.
◆Social Contribution, Regional Collaboration, and Building an On-Campus Incubation
The essential mission of a university lies in its triad of functions: education, research, and social outreach/contribution. We define “social outreach” as collaborative endeavors with external stakeholders to advance education and research, which form the core of our university mission. Simultaneously, “social contribution” represents multifaceted contributions to local communities, national and international societies, and the environment, facilitated through our educational, research, and organizational initiatives. Rikkyo University remains committed to fulfilling our university mission on multiple fronts by fostering collaborations with diverse stakeholders, including municipal and national governments, the United Nations, corporate entities, fellow educational institutions, NGOs, NPOs, and multiple civic groups.
In today’s “knowledge-based society,” where the creation and utilization of knowledge take precedence, the convergence of industry, academia, and government is rapidly accelerating. Universities are increasingly recognized not only as talent pipelines but also as strategic partners for corporations, offering opportunities for collaborative research and workforce training. In the realm of research, facilitating joint endeavors among industry, academia, and government has become increasingly streamlined, including establishing legal frameworks. In addition to traditional academic research, there is a growing emphasis on social collaboration to address societal challenges and implement research outcomes effectively. Recognizing this evolving landscape, Rikkyo University is committed to fostering extensive social cooperation, including:
Rikkyo University’s focus on “regional cooperation” remains integral to our institutional development. In addition to strengthening partnerships with local municipalities such as Toshima Ward (Ikebukuro) and Niiza City, we endeavor to collaborate with academic and civic entities beyond the Tokyo metropolitan area, including Rikuzentakata, while making use of our substantial alum network of approximately 220,000 individuals. Furthermore, we will continue to enhance the renowned “Rikkyo Second Stage College” as part of our recurrent educational initiative, building upon its existing acclaim.
In today’s “knowledge-based society,” where the creation and utilization of knowledge take precedence, the convergence of industry, academia, and government is rapidly accelerating. Universities are increasingly recognized not only as talent pipelines but also as strategic partners for corporations, offering opportunities for collaborative research and workforce training. In the realm of research, facilitating joint endeavors among industry, academia, and government has become increasingly streamlined, including establishing legal frameworks. In addition to traditional academic research, there is a growing emphasis on social collaboration to address societal challenges and implement research outcomes effectively. Recognizing this evolving landscape, Rikkyo University is committed to fostering extensive social cooperation, including:
- 1. Seeking external funding through corporate partnerships.
- 2. Investing in and promoting industry-academia collaboration through initiatives such as endowed research projects, designated endowments, and endowed chairs.
- 3. Organizing a comprehensive support system to visualize human and intellectual resources, fostering incubation within the university.
Rikkyo University’s focus on “regional cooperation” remains integral to our institutional development. In addition to strengthening partnerships with local municipalities such as Toshima Ward (Ikebukuro) and Niiza City, we endeavor to collaborate with academic and civic entities beyond the Tokyo metropolitan area, including Rikuzentakata, while making use of our substantial alum network of approximately 220,000 individuals. Furthermore, we will continue to enhance the renowned “Rikkyo Second Stage College” as part of our recurrent educational initiative, building upon its existing acclaim.
◆Enrichment of Extracurricular Education and Activities
The RIKKYO Learning Style (RLS), our distinctive undergraduate education platform, acknowledges extracurricular education and activities as significant factors. While we dedicate ourselves to revitalizing athletic and sports endeavors, we also prioritize enhancing the governance of our varsity athletic association in accordance with the RIKKYO University Athletic Association Charter.
Rikkyo University, on the other hand, is proud of its rich history and tradition of fostering culture, fine arts, music, literature, and art on campus. We remain committed to upholding the significance of Rikkyo University as a cultural and artistic hub, cultivating an environment that supports and celebrates artists and their contributions on a global scale.
In addition to the “Rikkyo Service Learning” (RSL) integrated into our regular curriculum, we are actively reinforcing our extracurricular activities, including volunteer work and chapel-related engagements, which are cherished traditions of Rikkyo University.
Rikkyo University, on the other hand, is proud of its rich history and tradition of fostering culture, fine arts, music, literature, and art on campus. We remain committed to upholding the significance of Rikkyo University as a cultural and artistic hub, cultivating an environment that supports and celebrates artists and their contributions on a global scale.
In addition to the “Rikkyo Service Learning” (RSL) integrated into our regular curriculum, we are actively reinforcing our extracurricular activities, including volunteer work and chapel-related engagements, which are cherished traditions of Rikkyo University.
◆Rikkyo Integrated Education Offered in Collaboration with Continuous Schools and Strengthening Partnerships with Anglican Communion Schools
The report “The Goals and Concept of Integrated Cooperative Education at Rikkyo Educational Corporation” was published in February 1998. It introduced the term “integrated cooperative education” as a replacement for the previous term, “integrated education.”
The “Office of the Promotion of Integrated Collaborative Education at Rikkyo Educational Corporation” was officially inaugurated in the previous year (2023), signifying an important milestone in the progression of integrated cooperative education within Rikkyo schools. We are committed to sustaining this educational paradigm with meticulous attention and pride as we continue to lead the way in integrated education across Japan.
Furthermore, we commit to strengthening our partnerships with other affiliated schools, such as St. Margaret’s Junior & Senior High School, St. Hilda’s School, and Rikkyo School in England, alongside Anglican-related institutions in Kyoto, Osaka, and Kobe, as well as various other Christian schools.
The “Office of the Promotion of Integrated Collaborative Education at Rikkyo Educational Corporation” was officially inaugurated in the previous year (2023), signifying an important milestone in the progression of integrated cooperative education within Rikkyo schools. We are committed to sustaining this educational paradigm with meticulous attention and pride as we continue to lead the way in integrated education across Japan.
Furthermore, we commit to strengthening our partnerships with other affiliated schools, such as St. Margaret’s Junior & Senior High School, St. Hilda’s School, and Rikkyo School in England, alongside Anglican-related institutions in Kyoto, Osaka, and Kobe, as well as various other Christian schools.