2015 Lecture Series: TI and Intercultural Communication "War and Interpreters" on July 20 | Rikkyo University

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2015 Lecture Series: TI and Intercultural Communication "War and Interpreters" on July 20


Time and Date 18:30-20:30, Monday, July 20, 2015
Place Ikebukuro Campus Tachikawa Memorial Hall 3F
Lecturer Kayoko Takeda (Rikkyo University)
Shi‐chi(Mike)Lan (National Chengchi University, Taiwan)
Program ▼18:30~19:00
Kayoko Takeda (Rikkyo University)
"The Roles of Interpreters in War: Can Interpreting Constitute War Crimes?"

Shi‐chi(Mike)Lan (National Chengchi University, Taiwan)
"Crime of the Interpreter, Guilt of the Colonized, War of the Empire: Taiwanese Interpreters as War Criminals of the Second World War"
*Language:English(Interpreting services available)
Open to Students, faculty members, alumni, public
*Registration not required, admission free