Piblic Lecture "Differences in Run Scoring between Teams and the Effects of Covariates" on March 12 | Rikkyo University

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Piblic Lecture "Differences in Run Scoring between Teams and the Effects of Covariates" on March 12


On March 12, Japanese Inter-University Network for Statistical Education (JINSE) and Rikkyo University Center for Statistics and Information will hold a sports statistics public lecture, "Differences in Run Scoring between Teams and the Effects of Covariates". The lecturer will be Professor Jim Albert (Bowling Green State University).

JINSE has been, under MEXT’s Program for Promotion of Inter-University Education "Quality Assurance in Statistical Education for Development of Human Resources with Data-oriented Problem Solving Skills”, organized by eight universities: Rikkyo University, University of Tokyo, Osaka University, the Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tama University, Waseda University and Doshisha University.

The first aim of JINSE is to develop Standard Curriculum and Teaching methodology for fostering human resources capable of coping with new issues, and eventually, to establish Quality Assurance system for statistical education by introducing Evaluation Committee consisting of members from academic statistical societies and other educational/economic organizations.

Time and Date 10:00 – 12:00, Thursday, March 12, 2015
Place Ikebukuro Campus 5th Building, First Floor, classroom 5123
Lecturer Prof. Jim Albert (Professor at Bowling Green State University, Department of Mathematics and Statistics)

One of the leading experts of statistical education, a former head of the Section of Statistical Education in the American Statistical Association in 2014. Specialized in Bayes statistics and sports statistics, many of his books and papers have been published particularly in baseball statistics. Among them, Curve Ball has been translated into Japanese, and is known as the first book that introduced Sabermetrics in Japan.
Open to Faculty members, students, general public
*Registration required in advance. Free admission.
Registration Send us an email writing, “Register me to March 12 lecture” to following address with your name, affiliation, contact information, number of participants.