Two program proposals of the College of Business were selected by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) for 2008 Program for Promoting High-Quality University Education.
The “Program for Promoting High-Quality University Education” (2008 budget of 8.6 billion yen) aims to guarantee the national quality of higher education, and thereby to contribute to enhancement of the country’s strength in international competition. It selects outstanding educational programs among proposals submitted by universities, junior colleges, and specialized (technical) colleges, under such conditions as making a positive reaction to amendment of Standards for the Establishment of Universities, and then provides them with intensive financial support, giving information about higher education to the public at the same time (see the MEXT web site).
Selected programs are as follows.
(1) Business Leadership Program
~Developing a new business curriculum that integrates knowledge and experience~
【Class】 Projects to improve educational programs
【Keywords】 business leadership, problem-solving project, self-directed style in specialized courses, “introspection” and “feedback”, part of faculty development
【College】 College of Business
【Program coordinator】 Mikinari Higano, Professor at the College of Business, Chief coordinator of BLP
(2) Integrating English and business education through high school-college-industry coordination ~Fostering bilingual business leaders~
【Class】 Projects to improve educational programs
【Keywords】 High school-college-industry coordination, admission policy, bilingual business leaders, English education, minimum learning outcomes for bachelor's degrees
【College】 College of Business, Department of Global Business
【Program coordinator】 Shigeru Matsumoto, Professor at the College of Business, Chief coordinator of BBL