Rikkyo Top Global University Conception
The evolution of Rikkyo as a World - Class University

  • Global Liberal Arts Education
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  • Leadership Education
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  • Self-Transformation

Cultivating Human ResourcesCultivating Human Resources

Globally aspired Individuals with Liberal Arts Skills and Knowledge

At Rikkyo University, we aim to cultivate Globally aspired Individuals with Liberal Arts Skills and Knowledge. These are people who can respond to global challenges and social demands, and have an ability to view things in an open-minded way while finding and solving problems. Rikkyo University aims to produce new global leaders who can, based on a liberal arts education, “think (capability to think) and act (capability to transform) independently, and live in harmony with the world (capability for empathy and collaboration)" by introducing across the university a new leadership education program developed originally by Rikkyo University.

Introduction of Entrance Examination System that answers the Needs of Internationalization

Rikkyo University will have a considerable impact on 600 to 700 thousand applicants over a ten-year period, and we will contribute to the internationalization of secondary education institutions such as middle schools and high schools as well.

Globally aspired Individuals with Liberal Arts Skills and Knowledge

While building a world-class educational system through interaction with liberal arts universities in Europe and the USA, Rikkyo University will engage in leading edge activities driving internationalization at universities in Japan and contribute to the internationalization of higher education.


The Capability to Transform
We will cultivate the ability to create new mechanisms that respond flexibly to society through fluidization beyond borders with respect to people, information, culture, values, and the like.


The Capability for Empathy and Collaboration
We will cultivate the ability to solve problems together with people who have different customs and cultures, based on the foundation of excellent communication skills.

Guiding Society

The Capability to Think
We will cultivate the ability to logically tackle head-on difficult problems such as environmental problems and ethnic and religious conflicts.

Producing New Global Leaders who can“ think and act independently, and live in harmony with the world”

All of the graduates of Rikkyo University will contribute to the internationalization of the entire society.
The number of such graduates will be 40,000 in ten years, among whom 20,000 will be women.