- Establishing a Global Liberal Arts Minor
- Establishing a Global Liberal Arts Program (GLAP)
- Expanding English Courses and Double Degree Programs
- Implementing International Cooperative Graduate Programs in English
- Building Liberal Arts Consortiums
Serving as a top level hub for nurturing globally-minded persons, and higher education in Asia
- All first year students acquire the techniques of learning and the spirit of learning
- Expanding Leadership Programs to extracurricular activities in addition to regular curriculum classes
- Expanding extracurricular educational programs to include overseas programs, and the like
- Enhancing the cross-cultural environment, covering all students
Transformation of “student awareness” that allows to nurture globally-minded persons sustainably and acceleratory
- Establishing systems and institutions that can exhibit the leadership of the President
- Reforming human resource management that can promote excellent faculty members and staff
- Introducing an internationally accepted curriculum system, a rigorous performance evaluation, and a quarter system
- Reforming entrance examinations to recruit potentially globally-minded persons
- Publishing educational information including dropout rates, graduation rates, plans after graduation, progress of the Rikkyo Top Global University Conception, and the like
Building a university organization and developing the infrastructure of the entire university in order to effectively and sustainably promote globally-minded persons throughout the university